The YOUNG ARTISTS’ CLUB is a club for the gifted students in drawing, painting, modeling, designing, printing, decorating and other related activities. The club provides an opportunity for the students to cultivate and enrich his appreciation for the arts so that he can participate more fully in practical application of arts to his daily life. In this club four areas of arts will be covered namely;
1. knowledge of design and visual perception
2. creative self-expression
3. media, materials and procedure
4. art appreciation
1. Help each learner to establish inner values of the Dominican practices, which would make him a model of DEUS, PATRIA, LETRAN.
2. Develop in the child awareness, understanding, and appreciation of God’s creation and of man-made work of art.
3. Develop in the Filipino child civic responsibility, social awareness, and group cooperation.
4. Teach the child to recognize and use wisely his special talents and to respect the talents of others.
5. Develop in the child confidence, creative self-expression and the ability to communicate ideas to others.
Specifically the club aims to teach the members to:
1. draw figures using geometric forms
2. combine colors more harmoniously
3. recycle materials for new product
4. illustrate landscape and seascape drawing with perspective
5. sketch figures correctly
6. handle paint brushes with correct strokes in painting
7. cut different types of papers correctly
A. Membership
The club is open to all Letranites in grades I to VI with artistic skills and talents.
The applicants are required to pass the screening, which is given by the club moderator.
The members are expected to attend all activities of the club that need their presence.
The members are classified into two groups;
A. Group A- Grades I to III
B. Group B- Grades IV to VI
The club members are required to submit at least one activity per meeting.
All members are expected to have proper behavior at all times.
B. Officers
The officers of the YOUNG ARTISTS’ CLUB are elected by the members in group B. The positions are:
Each officer is to assist the Club Moderator in the maintenance of the discipline in the club. Some of the specific functions are;
to accompany the members in the meeting place from the classroom.
to take charge in disciplining the members when the club moderator is not around.
to take charge all other duties that may be assigned to them concerning the club.